The Cigar Companion Personalized Leather-bound Book
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Enjoy a nice stogie? Our Personalized The Cigar Companion Book is the perfect study-side guide to unlocking the delicate details and delicious undertones of handmade cigars—including the history of cigars, a buyer's guide, and profiles of 70 current top brands of quality cigars complemented by full-color photographs.
Cigar enthusiasts know a good cigar offers a certain levity and celebration much more sophisticated than their slimmer, machine-made counterparts. Often compared with fine wine, the way that good cigar products are made and the quality of the ingredients is reflected in the final product's flavor.
The rich history of enjoying cigars has seen many changes, yet hand rolling remains a valued practice among cigar lovers—there are just some things that machines cannot copy. The time-treasured method of harvesting, drying, and curing the leaves has a deep traditional background and has shown innovative developments that offer new experiences to cigar smokers.
There are many ways to make cigars and even more ways to discern their quality once it is in the hands of the consumer. Our cigar companion book explains it all!
Makes a wonderful gift for cigar smokers.
Bound by hand in bonded leather, 5.05 x 8.6", 224 pages.Â
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